Calgary Flames and Goldschlager

New years eve we went to Calgary to spend time with Boris' family.

We made it in time for the Flames game. Everyone was decked out in their Flames jerseys, even me but I am behind the camera.

It was a long day for everyone and we were all pretty tired ... with the exception of lil' miss Halle who was ready to party into the early dawn.
As if I didn't love my mother in law enough before...(she always makes me Pumpkin Pie and you all know my obsession with PP) well now she introduced me first it is like listerine and then you feel the warmth in your belly and the tingling in your head. Some would say it is the 20% alcohol but I think it is the love that the gold flecks has for me.


Boris said…
Mmmm... Goldschlager...

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