Fill me up buttercup

I am the person that holds everything together.
The person people go to when times are hard and I am their rock.
I have stood firm through my storm and I am still standing.
I have rolled down many hills only to find myself standing back up, dust myself off and just to keep it pushing.
I have fought through the hardest time in my life only to shine like the strong woman that stands before you now
I have cried a million tears and felt like life was not worth living only to get up the next day to see that the tears had dried up and a new day has come.
I will be a strong woman and lend anyone a hand through the times of depression when all i want to do is cry.

I don't feel like this person lately and I have felt really weak asking others to be my rock or make decisions for me.  The unknown is the worse place to be in. Not only has this mass inside of me taken up space unannounced and unwanted, but this inability to hold my head up and say confidently that everything is going to be alright is also an unwelcome outlook that I don't support.

I need to figure out how to get back to glass half full vs glass shattered.

Image result for glass half full image


Doug Laidlaw said…
As is now for you my dear, when times are tough, and hope and faith have fallen away, I would look to my friends, my brothers in arms and to my family for love, support and strength to take that next step and every step after that till you find the strength to carry on. We all have trials and tribulations in our life, it’s the strength from our true friends, it’s the love from our bequeathed, and the need to carry on for our children’s sake that we can draw from. You have the opportunity to look at the glass shattered and worry about the worst case scenario, or you can look to your true friends for support, your husband for help and love and the in your children’s eyes for your need to carry on, and say to your demons... “ I am alive right now, and no matter what, that isn’t going to change any time soon... so fuck you, fuck this tumor and fuck Cancer... I’m not quitting, I’m not backing down and for Christ sake I will battle with every ounce of strength I have left, and when that is gone, I’ll call on my friends, my family and my children for support and battle even farther and harder. Because I’m not in this alone, I’ve got re-Enforcements and I’m not afraid to use them!” Get angry, get mad, because damn it you’ve been given a sucky hand! But don’t give up! Your children can’t afford a mom who just gives up, love your husband because he lives you too, and call or scream if necessary and “us” your true friends will be there for all the support you need and then some. Sure life sucks... sure life isn’t fair... and sure coffee is great! But my dear... your worth the fight ahead! Now put on your big girl panties and grab your antioxidant infused smoothy and let’s fuck some shit up!!! I’m here if you need me... just call 5879880902!!!

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