Prince left the world too soon

Generally, I don't get all sad when celebrities pass.  Don't get me wrong, I was alongside everyone when Princess Diana was killed in the car accident; I was working the late shift in reservations at the Fantasyland Hotel when we all got the news.

Imagine my surprise however when Boris called to tell me that Prince died and I got teary.  I love Prince.  I discovered my love for him at a very young age when my parents had the Purple Rain LP and I would play that constantly alongside the ABBA record.  I was fortunate enough to see him in 1995 during The Gold Experience tour and I threw my panties (new ones obviously) with my number written in them with a glitter gel pen...he never called.

He always beat to his own drum and frankly didn't give two craps about what others thought of him.  He exhumed class and style.

The musical industry lost a great one today.


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