The 3 S’s

I was discharged yesterday and thankfully Carly brought me a cute button up nightie that replaced my hospital robe to go home in.  Upon reflection, Boris looked like he was breaking me out...I had on a night gown with my Birkenstock’s, I still had on all my bracelets and he helped me into the car....START THE CAR!

Ok I am home and currently the only comfortable place is in bed but I am making sure I get up every two hours to do a few laps around the upstairs floor for blood flow.

I have three things that are on my list to accomplish today and thanks to my amazing husband, he is going to help with two of them. 

I really think after a good shower and shaving my legs, I will feel much better and hopefully get some of that iodine off me...any suggestions?  I have waterproof bandaids so I am able to get them wet...not soaking but wet. That is fine by me as I back into the shower anyway.  

The last S I gotta do on my own and I am totally in my head.  I just need it to get done and over with as it is consuming my thoughts. Straining with these stitches are not going to be fun so I hope the relaxa I took does it’s magic and that this will be the last post (other than the celebration of course) that I mention poo.  


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