Bedtime Annoyance

Ever since Heather mentioned 2 beds instead of one "couple" bed, I can't stop thinking about it. I love my husband and I love "sleeping" with him but man I do NOT love his sleeping habits that I have yet to get used to. He listens to Howard Stern in bed and I can not sleep listening to talk radio much less Howard and his yelling, swearing, obnoxious guests/staff and himself. I wait patiently till he goes to sleep so I can turn it off. He has been having a sore back and shoulders lately so he has been tossing and turning causing the bed to become similar to the 80's version of a waterbed. Oh and let's not forget his vulgar body pillow that he MUST sleep with ... It rivals Owen's "dirty" blankie.

Now I am no better as I like to read with the light on and I love to talk in bed so I am sure that we grate on each others nerves with our bed habits.

Let's bring back the Fred and Wilma beds


Hethr said…
Howard Stern? In bed?? Turn off or what?? yikes!

I'm with you though -- reading in bed, or lying there talking as you go to sleep -- both used to happen in my house -- not anymore, we've reached the "just shut up and sleep" phase of our life. Yay.

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