Me, glass always full, look on the bright side, always wanting to help others...this couldn't be happening to me and yet it is. I don't know why but I am blue! I have been in a funk for a few months now and nothing is pulling me out. I have good moments but overall the dark moments are clouding those good ones. I don't know what, why or how this is happening to me. I have a great life, awesome boys, a challenging and rewarding career and a husband whom I adore. On the outside, there is no reason to feel the way I do. On the inside there is nothing either. It isn't one thing or one fact most of the time it is over nothing. "Why are you crying" "tell me what is on your mind". I can't answer these questions because I don't know the answer. I need to bring myself back out from this place...I hate it, I hate who I've become, I hate I am not strong right now, I hate needing reasurrance, I hate that I frustrate my husband da...